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This is a picture in Hodslavice of my son James Kostohryz and I (Vernon Kostohryz) posing in front a statue of our famous relative, my 1st cousin, 4 times removed.  We are related to Palacky through both the Rydel and Barton lines.


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These are the rest of the crew in the area of the Palacky statue in Hodslavice.  On the far left with his back to the camera is my son, James Kostohryz.  Next to him is Martin Pytr, our geneologist (also guide and translator for the entire trip).  Moving to the right is Zora Kudelka, resident of Hodslavice, volunteer at the Palacky musem, and also related to Frantisek Palacky.  She is my 5th cousin twice removed. On the far right is Mercedes, my wife.


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This gives you an idea of the type of farmland near Hodslavice.  This photo is of a field behind the churches and the Palacky museum on the square.on the square.

We apparently took no photographs of houses belonging to the Barton line.  I will be checking on this to ascertain if no sites were available or if it was an unintentional omission.
---Since writing the above, I was sent the following picture:

This house at Hodslavice #56 is where one of my maternal grandmothers, Rosina Barton (1854) was born.  It appears in this photo to be in the state of remodeling.  The site was in the Barton family a long time.  Records show that Andreas Barthon (1740) was born there so that means that my 5th great-grandfather Pawel Barthon (1716) and possibly his ancestors lived there.

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